Apprehensive of having contracted coronavirus, Military Engineer Services personnel commits suicide in Madhya Pradesh

The MES employee was ill since last few days and was repeatedly requesting the health department staff for getting his COVID-19 test done.

Published: 03rd May 2020 01:20 AM  |   Last Updated: 03rd May 2020 01:20 AM   |  A+A-


Image for representational purposes.

By Express News Service

BHOPAL: Apprehensive of having contracted the COVID-19 infection, a home quarantined young Military Engineer Services (MES) personnel allegedly hanged himself to death in his rented flat in Madhya Pradesh’s Gwalior district on Saturday.

The 33-year-old MES personnel identified as Dilip Dondhyal (who originally hailed from Haryana) was found hanging to death through the ceiling fan in the flat on Saturday.

The MES employee was ill since last few days and was repeatedly requesting the health department staff for getting his COVID-19 test done. After he complained of typhoid, fever and difficulty in breathing on Thursday, he was put under home quarantine.

A suicide note found from the spot of the suicide suggested that he was under acute depression as he feared having contracted the deadly COVID-19 infection, but still the health department hadn’t tested him for the deadly virus.

According to health and police department sources, the MES employee had returned from Haryana to Gwalior after celebrating Holi. On March 30, he had called the health department and requested testing him for the COVID-19 infection, but since no Covid like symptom was witnessed, the health department doctors had just put him under 14 days quarantine.

A few days later, he had made a video call to the health department staff, asking for COVID-19 test, but since no symptoms were found, the test wasn’t conducted.

On April 30, he rang the health department again and informed that he was down with typhoid and also reported fever and difficulty in breathing.

He was again put on home quarantine since Friday and a mobile testing unit was sent to the multi storey building where he lived. Since he didn’t open the door, which was locked from inside, despite repeated knocking, the cops broke open the locked door.

“He was found hanging to death from the ceiling fan. A suicide note was found from the spot, which suggested he was under acute depression due to health reasons. Further investigations are underway,” said circle SP (CSP) Ravi Bhadoria.

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